The Farm

The panoramic views of the countryside from the front of the house are spectacular. Whatever time of year you choose to visit there is always something to enjoy from the ever changing scenery. In all but the worst weather the Malvern Hills are clearly visible on the sky line.

You can take a short walk from the front door up the hill behind the house that leads you to the viewpoint shown below.

Walking further up the hill from this viewpoint to the top of our woodland the views just keep improving. To the north-east, the Malverns, to the west the Black Mountains, and then to the north-west the Cotswold Hills can be seen in the distance.

There is a footpath which can be joined by a short walk across our meadow, which leads up to the summit of May Hill at 971 feet. With its distinctive clump of pine trees planted for Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee, May Hill is a landmark that can be seen from miles around. The view from the summit is just breathtaking, you may have to stop to take the odd breath on the way up too! From May Hill you can also pick up the Wysis Way and the Gloucestershire way.

Together with even better views to the north, east and west, to complete all four points of the compass the River Severn can be seen to the South as it meanders its way down to the Bristol Channel.